Jonathan Cloud
◼︎ Advisor & Co-Founder
◼︎ Biography
Jonathan Cloud helped establish the Global Carbon Reward initiative in 2014. Jonathan holds a master’s degree in sociology from York University in Toronto and a bachelor’s degree in psychology and sociology with honours from Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand. Jonathan is the Executive Director of Possible Planet, a 501(c)(3) non-profit, and is a renewable energy expert. Jonathan has worked on sustainable development in municipalities, communities, and businesses for more than 40 years. He has worked for the Canadian Government on energy and environmental issues. He ran a solar design and construction firm pioneering green building techniques and other sustainability projects in Canada and the United States. In New Jersey, Jonathan has developed legislation regarding small hydro, co-led the state’s first energy aggregation programs, and continues to champion Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) in the legislature. Jonathan is the recipient of a UN Environment Medal and was Senior Fellow at the Institute for Sustainable Enterprise, Fairleigh Dickinson University, 2005-2016.