Communication Specialist ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀

Desirée Pettersson
◼︎ Communications Specialist
◼︎ Biography
Desirée joined the GCR project after reading about the carbon coin in the fictional novel, “The Ministry for the Future”. Desirée has a double bachelor’s degree in Economics from Lund University, Sweden. She is proceeding to a Master ́s degree in Environmental Management and Policy at the International Institute for Industrial Environmental Economics, as she is interested in a career in climate change. Desirée has worked for Sustainergies as a project leader, and as a sustainability consultant at Sparbankerna, one of Sweden’s oldest banks. Desirée is currently working as a sustainability consultant for Coop, one of Sweden’s largest retail companies. Besides climate change, Desirée possess a genuine passion for travelling and she intends to pursue an international career where she can gain perspective from every corner of the world, and learn from people with different backgrounds.