Our plan is to advocate and advance the Global Carbon Reward policy with our international partners, by demonstrating the policy’s capacity to incentivise a variety of climate mitigation methods and co-benefits, and the policy’s adaptability in diverse geographic settings.
— Dr. Delton Chen (Founder)
Our plan starts in 2021 with the establishment of new collaborations and partnerships.

Updated 20 September 2021
Project Phases
Phase I. Discovery Phase (2014-2020)
Policy analysis, theory of change, and publications
Phase II. Development Phase (2021-2025)
1. Documentation of GCR’s organisational development plan and business plan
2. Partnerships with international non-governmental organisations (NGOs)
3. Discussions with stakeholders and policy makers through workshops and conferences
4. Implementation of demonstration projects with measurable outcomes for public dissemination
5. Formation of an international political movement to promote the GCR
6. Discussion and envisioning of an international treaty for the GCR
Phase III. Implementation Phase (After 2025)
Propose an international GCR treaty for global carbon emissions reductions and atmospheric removal