曹卫球于2014年创立了“生态文明特区”理念。 他拥有17年新兴行业创业投资市场的投融资实操经验以及丰富的跨界咨询管理经验,目前是一名积极的影响力投资者。他积极倡导、开发、投资并服务有生态环境、社会和经济效益并举潜力的团队或者项目。他拥有瑞典皇家工学院网络互连硕士学位,毕业设计研究课题是在皇家工学院互联网研究中心完成的欧盟研究奖金项目。该课题的成果是将对等网络计算(P2P)技术应用于互联网多媒体内容分发网络(CDN)。自从2013年以来他致力于研究如何运用政策、市场机制、技术等工具解决区域经济可持续发展的问题,并形成了独有的“生态文明特区”理念。从2020年开始主要研究如何通过绿色金融基础设施解决气候投融资问题。他目前是齐鲁工业大学金融专业硕士生导师、浙江省区块链技术应用协会专家智库特聘专家、珠海复旦创新研究院客座研究员、复旦大学绿庭新兴金融业态研究中心客座研究员、对外经济贸易大学绿色金融与可持续发展中心客座研究员、积极影响力绿色气候产业投资基金发起人以及上海牧溢投资咨询有限公司董事长。曾任2018盐城市东台“零碳”试点项目管理总顾问、TEDx Sudi“从尿不湿到生态文明特区的旅程”演讲人、全球气候债券倡议组织CBI标准工作组专家以及联合国项目事务署高级研究与战略规划官员。他主张通过金融科技、大数据、物联网、生物科技、韧性的绿色基础设施、绿色金融基础设施等技术手段构建新经济基础,同时与相应的政策性市场机制、积极的财政政策与宽松的货币政策等政策性工具相互配合吸引私营部门共同参与到应对缓解气候变化和适应气候变化的各类项目中来。
Mike Cao (Cao Weiqiu)
◼︎ Chairman — Shanghai Mu Yi Investment Advisors Ltd.
◼︎ Biography
Cao Weiqiu is a positive impact investor and he proposed the idea of an “Ecological Civilization Special District” in 2014. He has 17 years of hands-on experience in investing, venture capital, and private equity markets in emerging sectors. He also has extensive experience in cross-border and cross-discipline consulting and management. He actively advocates, develops, invests in, and serves project teams that have the potential to deliver ecological, social and economic benefits simultaneously.
Cao Weiqiu holds a Master’s degree in Internetworking from the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) in Sweden, and his thesis project was an EU research grant supported project completed at the KTH Internet Research Center. The project resulted in the application of peer-to-peer computing (P2P) technology to Internet multimedia content distribution networks (CDNs). Since 2013, he has been looking into how to use policy, market mechanisms, technology and other tools to solve the problem of regional sustainable economic development, and has developed a unique thought of “ecological civilization special district”. Since 2020, he has been focusing on how to solve climate investment and financing problems through a novel green financial infrastructure. He is currently a master’s tutor in finance at Qilu University of Technology, expert of think tank of Zhejiang Blockchain Technology Application Association, a visiting researcher of Fudan Innovation Research Institute in Zhuhai, a visiting researcher of Green Court Emerging Financial Industry Research Center of Fudan University, a visiting researcher of Green Finance and Sustainable Development Center of University of International Business and Economics, a initiator of Positive Impact Green Climate Industry Investment Fund, and the chairman of Shanghai Mu Yi Investment Advisors Ltd. He used to work as the general consultant of “Zero Carbon” pilot project management in Dongtai, Yancheng City in 2018, speaker of TEDx Sudi “Journey from Diapers to Ecological Civilization Special District”, expert of CBI standard working group of Global Climate Bond Initiative, and senior research and strategic planning officer of United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS).
Cao Weiqiu advocates building the foundation of a new economy through Fintech, big data, Internet of Things, biotechnology, resilient green infrastructure, green financial infrastructure and other digital technological tools, while engaging the private sector in climate change mitigation and adaptation projects in conjunction with policy instruments such as policy-based market mechanisms, active fiscal policy and scalable monetary policy.